================================================================ DIGESTif Reference Card ================================================================ DIGESTif is an automatic request processor. With simple commands, you can add your name to a list to receive Antigone's digests. If you wish to reach a real person, write to: ================================================================ Commands DIGESTif understands ================================================================ SUBscribe digestname yourname Add your name to a digest subscription list UNSUBscribe digestname Remove your name from a digest subscription list SIGNOFF digestname same as UNSUB REView digestname Review a subscription list WHICH See which digests you are currently subscribed to DIGESTs Receive a list of digests LISTs same as DIGEST HELP Receive this reference card ================================================================ What is a "digest"? ================================================================ A digest is an electronic newsletter. At given intervals (usually once a day), you will receive e-mail that contains an accumulation of articles that have been posted to a given Usenet newsgroups. ================================================================ Can I reply to a digest or post to it? ================================================================ NO. You may, however, post to the original newsgroup being digested. Your post will then be included in the next digest. Instructions on how to do this are included in each issue. ================================================================ How to START receiving a digest ================================================================ To add your name to a subscription list, send the following to : SUB digestname yourname Example: SUB next-misc-d John Doe Your subscription will be acknowledged. This Reference Card will be sent to you in a separate message. ================================================================ How to STOP receiving a digest ================================================================ To remove your name from a subscription list, send the following to : UNSUB digestname Example: UNSUB next-misc-d Your request will be acknowledged. ================================================================ What digests are available? ================================================================ To find out, send the following to : DIGESTS ================================================================ Who is receiving a particular digest? ================================================================ To find out, send the following to : REV digestname Example: REV next-misc-d You will receive a copy of the subscription list for that digest. ================================================================ Which digest(s) am I subscribed to? ================================================================ To find out, send the following to : WHICH You will receive a list of digests to which _the account from which you are mailing_ is subscribed. ================================================================ Why do I keep getting error messages? ================================================================ DIGESTif is a very simple program. If it does not understand a line in your request, it will complain and ignore all the lines following the one it could not interpret. Commands must be in the body of the text. Commands must be the first line in your message. The Subject line of your message is ignored. ================================================================ =END= ================================================================ Antigone Press List of Lists ================================================================ Thank you for your interest in Antigone. Antigone.com is glad to offer the following lists: ---------------------------- dtp-l Desktop Publishing Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.text.desktop. ---------------------------- next-advocacy-d NeXT Advocacy Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.advocacy: This is the "why NEXTSTEP is better (or worse) than anything else in the known universe" forum. It was created specifically to divert lengthy flame wars from .misc. ---------------------------- next-announce-d NeXT Announcements Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.announce: Announcements of general interest to the NeXT community (new products, FTP submissions, user group meetings, commercial announcements etc.) ---------------------------- next-bugs-d NeXT Bugs Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.bugs: A place to report verifiable bugs in NeXT-supplied software. Material e-mailed to Bug_NeXT@NeXT.COM is not published, so this is a place for the net community find out about problems when they're discovered. ---------------------------- next-hardware-d NeXT Hardware Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.advocacy: Discussions about NeXT-label hardware and compatible peripherals, and non-NeXT-produced hardware (e.g. Intel) that is compatible with NEXTSTEP. In most cases, questions about Intel hardware are better asked in comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware. Questions about SCSI devices belong in comp.periphs.scsi. This isn't the place to buy or sell used NeXTs--that's what .marketplace is for. ---------------------------- next-marketplace-d NeXT Marketplace Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.marketplace: NeXT stuff for sale/wanted. ---------------------------- next-nextstep-d NeXT NeXTSTEP Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.soft.sys.nextstep: Like comp.sys.next.software and comp.sys.next.misc combined. Exists because NeXT is a software-only company now, and comp.soft-sys is for discussion of software systems with scope similar to NEXTSTEP. ---------------------------- next-misc-d NeXT Miscellany Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.misc: For stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. ---------------------------- next-programmer-d NeXT Programming Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.programmer: Questions and discussions of interest to NEXTSTEP programmers. This is primarily a forum for advanced technical material. Generic UNIX questions belong elsewhere (comp.unix.questions), although specific questions about NeXT's implementation or porting issues are appropriate here. Note that there are several other more "horizontal" newsgroups (comp.lang.objective-c, comp.lang.postscript, comp.os.mach, comp.protocols.tcp-ip, etc.) that may also be of interest. ---------------------------- next-software-d NeXT Software Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.software: This is a place to talk about [third party] software products that run on NEXTSTEP systems. ---------------------------- next-sysadmin-d NeXT System Administration Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.sys.next.sysadmin: Stuff relating to NeXT system administration issues; in rare cases this will spill over into .programmer or .software. ---------------------------- object-d Object Languages Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.object: Object-oriented programming and languages. ---------------------------- lang-objective-c-d Objective C Digest As a service to those who do not have access to Usenet, this list distributes digests of messages posted to comp.lang.objective-c: The Objective-C language and environment. ---------------------------- rec-arts-cinema-d Discussion of the art of cinema ================================================================ To Subscribe to a list: ================================================================ Please subscribe automatically to each list by sending the following message to : SUBSCRIBE List_Name Your_Name Example: SUBSCRIBE next-sysadmin-d John Doe Questions can be addressed to or a message with the word help can be sent to ================================================================ Please note that the following list is now administered by LISTSERV@BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU: ---------------------------- next-l NeXT Distribution List A forum for discussion about NeXT hardware and software. This list is gatewayed to the Usenet group bit.listserv.next-l ================================================================ =END=